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Relief Through Neurofeedback: Supporting Women’s Mental and Physical Health During Perimenopause

Jaime Anton

If you’re a woman in perimenopause, you know the havoc it can wreak on your mental and physical health. Sleep issues, weight gain, fatigue, brain fog and hot flashes can affect your job performance and overall enjoyment of daily activities. 

We know that eating a well-balanced, whole foods diet, increased protein intake, regular exercise and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can absolutely help, but this change in life also has an enormous impact on our mental wellbeing. 

Many studies have proven that chronic stress exacerbates menopause symptoms. If you’re worried about having a hot flash during an important meeting (been there!) or forgetting important details due to brain fog, you will not be at your best, thus leading to higher stress levels. When cortisol levels are high, it can also contribute to visceral fat accumulation, which contributes to fatigue and negative self-image, which can then lead to more stress, anxiety and depression.

Neurofeedback can have lasting, positive effects for women in this phase of life, which can range anywhere from 5-7 years for most of us! Studies and self reported benefits have shown that users of NeurOptimal have experienced up to a 78% improvement in menopausal symptoms with 20+ sessions*. A few of the major benefits of Neurofeedback for menopausal women are: 

  • Improved mental acuity (less brain fog)

  • Manage stress better

  • Promotes healthy sleep 

  • Helps maintain overall wellness 

If you’re having difficulties during this phase, and need some guidance, please contact us. We are an all-women-owned business with over 30 years combined experience in health and wellness. You don’t need to suffer in silence, relief is possible! 

*Results differ per person and this is not a guarantee of results. 



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